Every child is different; Nutrigen dedicated for the different needs of different children of different children. Similarly, every parent is different, and they have different questions about our supplements. For the different questions of different parents, we present the FAQs.

Does my kid need additional vitamins and minerals even if I feed him/her well?

Children require certain amounts of vitamins and minerals for healthy development and growth. Recent studies indicate that the vitamin and mineral content in fruits and vegetables have considerably decreased. Besides, the vitamin and mineral content in fruits and vegetables may also decrease due to;

  • - peeling, and the method and duration of cooking
  • - method and duration of cooking.

In turn, this necessitates children to consume larger-than-feasible amounts of fruits and vegetables to obtain the vitamins and minerals they require. As a result, vitamin and mineral supplements that support children’s healthy development and growth; that are formulated according to their daily nutritional needs; and that are manufactured with highest quality standards, are recommended.

What are the functions of vitamins and minerals in Nutrigen supplements?

Below are the brief descriptions of the micronutrients (vitamins, minerals & phytonutrients) in Nutrigen supplements.

Micronutrient Function
Vitamin A Supports the immune system, vision and skin.
Vitamin B1 Enables metabolising food and releasing energy.
Vitamin B2 Helps releasing energy from foods, and maintaining eyes, skin and nervous system healthy.
Vitamin B3 Helps releasing energy from foods, and keeping the skin and nervous system healthy.
Vitamin B5 Helps releasing energy from foods.
Vitamin B6 Helps forming blood cells, and releasing energy from proteins and carbohydrates.
Vitamin B7 Helps breaking down fat, and supports cell formation.
Vitamin B9 Helps forming red blood cells.
Vitamin B12 Helps forming red blood cells, releases energy from foods we consume, and helps maintaining nervous system healthy.
Vitamin C Helps protecting cells; maintaining skin, bone and blood vessels healthy; and is a strong antioxidant.
Vitamin D Helps maintaining teeth, bones and muscles healthy.
Vitamin E Helps keeping the skin and eyes healthy; and is a strong antioxidant.
Calcium Helps keeping bones and teeth healthy, and regulates muscle contractions.
Iodine Supports thyroid hormone formation.
Iron Helps forming red blood cells.
Copper Helps producing red and white blood cells, and is a good antioxidant.
Phosphorus Helps keeping bones and teeth healthy.
Zinc Helps new cell formation, and contributes to strengthening immune system.
Fish Oil It is essential for brain and eyes.
Selenium Strengthens immune system, and protects cells and tissues.
Magnesium Helps releasing energy from food.
Manganese Helps forming enzymes.
Fluoride Helps keeping teeth healthy.
Inulin Helps healthy bowel movements.
Dietary Fibres Help digestion and bowel movements.
Sodium Helps digestion
Potassium Helps heart muscle functions.

How should I choose the right Nutrigen for my kid?

The length of baby’s time in the womb, mother’s diet during pregnancy, length of breastfeeding, genetic background, geographical factors and metabolic rate are different in every child. Therefore, every child’s nutritional requirements are different. As such, some kids may suffer from lack of appetite, while others get sick too often. Nutrigen supplements are formulated to serve the different nutritional requirements of different children. You may pick the most suitable Nutrigen supplement according to your child’s need by using our Nutrifilter

My child is vegan/vegetarian. Which Nutrigen supplements s/he can use?

Vegetarian Vegan
Propolis Supra
Gasodex Grape
Ferromixin Vegy
Vitamixin Berry
Zinc Nutriferon

Do Nutrigen supplements contain gluten?

Nutrigen supplements (syrups, sprinkles) do not contain gluten.

Can I mix Nutrigen syrups with fruit juices?

Yes, mixing Nutrigen syrups and drops with fruit juices is fine, but note that they already come in natural fruit juice flavours.

What does NRV stand for?

Every healthy individual requires certain amounts of vitamins and minerals every day. These amounts are determined by health authorities, and are referred to as the Nutrient Reference Values (NRV)

What are the stated daily amounts for Nutrigen sprinkles, syrups, drops and liquids?

Nutrigen syrups, sprinkles and drops are formulated for the nutritional needs of children from different age groups for delivering optimal benefits.

Nutrigen Age Dosage/daily
Ferromixin 6-24 months 1 sachet
Vitamixin 24 – 60 months 1 sachet
Growmega 12 months + 10 mL
Grape 1-3 years 5 mL
            3 years + 10 mL
Omega 1-3 years 2.5 mL
            4-8 years 5 mL
            9-13 years 10 mL
Supra 6-12 months 5 mL
            1-3 years 10 mL
            3 years + 15 mL
Propolis 1-3 years 10 mL
            4-8 years 15 mL
            8 years + 20 mL
Vegy 12 months + 10 mL
Inulin 12 months + 1-2 sachets
Babytamin 0-12 months 10 drops
Bonidenti 6-36 months 6 drops
Gasodex 0-4 weeks 2.5 mL
            1-6 months 5 mL
            6 months + 10 mL
Nutrigreen 12 months + 5 - 20 mL
Nutriferon 12 months + 2.5 – 10 mL
Immuno 2-4 years 2 x 5 mL
            4-11 years 2 x 7.5 mL
Berry 3-6 years 2.5 mL
            6 years + 5-10 mL
D3 0-12 months 10 drops
            1-3 years 10 drops
D3 Advance 0-12 months 4 drops
            1-3 years 4 drops
Neovit 0-12 months 10 drops
Lactitol 2-4 years 10 mL
            4-11 years 10 mL
Folic Acid 6 months+ 5 mL
Zinc 6 months+ 5 mL

When is the best time of the day to serve Nutrigen supplements?

Nutrigen supplements can be served at any time during the day.

Can my child take Nutrigen supplements along with other vitamin supplements?

We advise you to speak to your GP about taking other supplements together with Nutrigen supplements.

What flavours do Nutrigen syrups come in?

Nutrigen syrups come in tasty natural flavours that kids would love.

Syrup Flavour
Growmega Natural orange flavour
Grape Real grape juice
Omega Natural strawberry flavour
Supra Natural orange flavoured
Propolis Real blackberry juice
Propolis Real blackberry juice
Vegy Real pomegranate juice
Inulin Mixed fruit flavour
Nutrigreen Real pomegranate juice
Immuno Real pomegranate juice
Berry Real pomegranate juice
Folic Acid Real pomegranate juice
Zinc Real pomegranate juice
Lactitol Real lemon flavour
What gives Nutrigen syrups their yummy flavours?

The natural aromas in Nutrigen syrups are derived either from natural fruit juices or natural identical flavourings.

Do Nutrigen supplements contain sugar, and are they suitable for children with diabetes?

Nutrigen products that involve natural fruit juices inherently contain sugar. This sugar is fructose; a carbohydrate naturally found in the structure of all fruits. Nutrigen supplements are consumed in small doses, which provide tiny amounts of fructose. Therefore, Nutrigen supplements are generally suitable for children with diabetes.

What are the quantities of Nutrigen syrups, sprinkles, drops, drinks, soups and puddings?

Please see below for the quantities in Nutrigen supplements.
Nutrigen Form Amount
Growmega Syrup 150 mL
Omega Syrup 150 mL
Supra Syrup 200 mL
Propolis Syrup 200 mL
Grape Syrup 200 mL
Vegy Syrup 200 mL
Gasodex Syrup 200 mL
Berry Syrup 150 mL
Immuno Syrup 150 mL
Nutriferon Syrup 150 mL
Nutrigreen Syrup 150 mL
Ferromixin Sprinkles 30 sachets
Vitamixin Sprinkles 30 sachets
Babytamin Drops 25 mL
Bonidenti Drops 25 mL
Neovit Drops 25 mL
D3 Drops 25 mL
D3 advance Drops 25 mL
Lactitol Syrup 200 mL
Folic Acid Syrup 150 mL
Zinc Syrup 150 mL
Lentil Soup Sachet 5 servings
Mushroom Soup Sachet 5 servings
Tomato Soup Sachet 5 servings
Orange Drink Sachet 10 servings
Pomegranate Drink Sachet 10 servings
Hot Chocolate Sachet 10 servings
Vanilla Smoothie Sachet 10 servings
Inulin Drink Sachet 10 servings
Banana Pudding Sachet 5 servings
Strawberry Pudding Sachet 5 servings
Cocoa Pudding Sachet 5 servings
Lemon Pudding Sachet 5 servings
Peach Pudding Sachet 5 servings