Obesity: What To Do ?

Breastfeeding babies may protect them against risk factors that lead to weight gain in their later life.

Avoid ‘Empty Calories’
Avoid junk foods and beverages, since these only provide empty calories and discourage kids from consuming nutritious foods. Better snacking options are fruits, nuts and Nutrigen Nutrifoods, which contain high-fibre and essential vitamins and minerals.

Portion size
Be cautious about serving sizes at home and out.

Homemade meals
Cooking at home can be powerful tool for weight loss and healthy weight management. Homemade meals allow parents to control the ingredients and portion size. Packing lunchbox for school and regular family-meals lower the risk of obesity.

Exit the ‘Clean Plate Club’
If your child is pushing food around his plate, that might indicate their fullness. Do not force them to finish their meals if they truly do not like the taste, smell or texture.

Nutritious foods
Children need lots of nutrients to fuel their healthy physical growth and development. Therefore, we encourage parents to avoid placing too much of their focus on cutting calories by all means. Instead, put your emphasis on providing the adequate conditions for a balanced diet. Doing so would require managing portion sizes and incorporating lots of nutritious foods that are lower in calories – such as fruits, vegetables and Nutrigen Nutrifoods.

Encourage physical activity
Get your children moving. As children grow older, monitor their relationship with the TV and computer. Active children are more likely to become physically fit adults, so encourage them to join sports teams or go creative and play games like tag with your kids. Regular physical activity not only burns calories, but also builds strong bones and helps children sleep well at night and stay alert during the day.

Be a role model
Set a good example by incorporating nutritious foods and exercise into your own routines. Be a role model, instead of merely dictating your kids what to eat and what to avoid.

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